Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I came across the blog of a dude.

This dude's blog speaks of his wife and kid, nothing too fantastic, just their daily shenanigans. And in the most beautiful (and humorous) way, without sounding cheesy or cliche, he expresses his love and devotion for them. It made me smile as I read, because it reminded me good things DO happen.
We get so cynical, so caught up in all the negative things. Lies, boredom, divorce, heart break. The truth is, we all want to find happiness. And it still exists! It is not extinct, we just look for it in the wrong places.

1 comment:

pitchblackmind said...

Totally know what you mean. It kind of sucks when you start expecting bad stuff to happen, then you get into this perpetual cycle of bad shit happening and expecting it to happen.

Expecting bad stuff to happen is already half of the mistake.