Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Michelle Obama

So, as I was getting my daily dose of news & politics here on the interwebs... I came across this:


I laughed out loud. I laughed out loud because right-wing conservatives really amuse me (though they have also proven to be dangerous), and I especially get a kick out of the "Socialist" tag-line they put on anyone with a brain. Sorry she doesn't speak of Jesus, she wasn't part of the rodeo, and she had to work hard to attend both Princeton and Harvard. She has balls and doesn't put up with crap from anyone. Though I do not know Mr. Obama or Mrs. Obama on a personal level, I would be confident to say that he depends on her for a lot more than just wearing pearls and skirt suits to help his campaign. She is very intelligent, supports her husband, and has a head full of ideas on how to improve our lovely U.S. of A.
She is constantly called an "anti-patriot" by Republican fucktards that do not realize that her dissent is actually an effort to save her country from the demise incurred by the Bush administration and the ignorance of people like the person that photoshopped the picture of her I included above.
I like her. And if that other blonde bimbo becomes First Lady, I will gladly turn in my passport and move overseas.


1 comment:

Todd said...

you better save a seat for me cuz im getting the fuck out if we get another bush in office